Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Calmness is a learned behavior 😇

This video is a tutorial on how to teach your puppy or dog to be calm.

Some dogs need help to learn how to relax. Calmness does not come naturally to some breeds .By reinforcing your dog for being calm, your dog will start to choose calmer behaviors in the future and actually enjoy being calm.

Tips for teaching a Default Settle:

  • Don't drop treats if the dog looks up at your hand as you move to give the dog the treat, instead try again later.
  • Don't cue the dog "down". It works better if the dog figures it out on his own and CHOOSES to lay down.
  • Use high value treats like real meat or cheese for such a wonderful behavior.

A wonderful friend and fellow Vizsla Breeder, Janet Galante, owner of Sit! Stay! Play! in Tucson, AZ posted this lovely photo and comments.

"People often ask me "how do you do that" when they see dogs happily in free play without barking or resting quietly without restraint at Sit! Stay! Play!. There are lots of reasons including the creation of a low stress "culture", but the main reason is having dedicated, intelligent, caring, and well trained employees like Tracie Brennan. We have been moving our nap periods to the play floors and teaching the dogs it is time to take a break has been a process. I am so proud to have so many talented people working with me."