Monday, February 24, 2020

Puppy Culture - Enrichment & Socialization "Something New Every Day"

The puppies will continually exposed "Something New Every Day". Some great ideas below, let me know if you think of anything else!

Our 2013 Litter drinking from a hose

- Music Mat
- Sit N Spin
- Baby slide
- Crackle toys
- Squeaky toys
- Plush toys
- Walk on grass
- Walk on tin foil
- Play in kiddie pool
- Bubbles
- Cold toys (teething)
- Paper towel rolls
- Empty box
- Mirror
- Yoga block
- Walk on gravel
- Introduce bumper bed mat
- Grooming tools in box
- Stand on grooming table and eat treats
- Be brushed with pupy brush
- Show stack and eat baby food / yogurt to hold still
- Walk on carpet
- Walk on tile
- Introduce puppy mush
- Have friends come to visit
- Have trusted adult dog of friends visit
- Meet cat (if applicable. I have one.)
- Listen to classical music
- Listen to Puppy sounds CD
- Introduce small tunnel
- Puppy playmat with dangling toys
- Play with a ball that rolls (beach ball or something light)
- Introduce dremel (just hearing seeing, touching toes with dremel off)
- Introduce actually dremeling toenails (8 weeks)
- Clip nails
- Ball pit
- Car rides
- Walk up and down steps
- Loud noise - i.e. lawn mower
- Moving objects - car, bicycle
- Meet other animals (goats, rats, horses, etc.)
- Watch kids jump on a trampoline
- Play in a dry bathtub
- See or go in a Tent
- Plastic milk bottles
- Large bubble wrap (before they are big enough to eat it)
- Change of environment - move to new pen or visit new areas of the house
- Vaccum cleaner
- Lawn mower
- Broom
- Washing machine
- Various food puzzle toys
- Empty plastic bottles and cans in a ball pit
- Skateboard or toy that moves if they get on it
- Wobble disc
- Sound toys
- Electric toothbrush to simulate being clippered/groomed
- Banging pots/pans
- TV on various channels
- Different kinds of music
- Turning on ceiling fan/window fan
- Plastic bags, the kind that blow in the wind
- Children of all ages
- A fan on the floor outside of the pen blowing in